
Terror Zones

Lost City & Valley of Snakes & Claw Viper Temple

Exceptional Item

Hand of Blessed Light

Hand of Blessed Light

Divine Scepter

One-Hand Damage: (56-61) to (132-143)Required Level: 42Required Strength: 103Durability: 70Mace Class - Fast Attack Speed+130-160% Enhanced DamageAdds 20-45 Damage+50% Damage to Undead+2 to Paladin Skill Levels100% Bonus to Attack RatingRegenerate Mana 15%+50 Defense5% Chance to Cast Level 4 Fist of the Heavens On Striking+2 to Fist Of The Heavens (Paladin Only)+4 Holy Bolt (Paladin Only)+4 to Light Radius